Two Thursdays ago Ben started soccer! The first practice/game was awesome! He did great he made three goals! He was so utterly proud of himself! Then last week he still did very well, but he was pretty bumbed that neither he nor his team made any goals...
But it's just micro soccer and they don't keep score anyway! Ans every one of them will get a trophy at the end.
They took pictures last week, and of coarse I planned on not spending more than 20 bucks on soccer pics but ended up forking out a lot more, I just get so excited about stuff like that, especially when he really enjoys it.
He likes soccer a lot better than basketball! He really wanted to try baseball out this summer, but he will be gone to Maine with my dad for a month or so, so he will have to try that out some other time!
Other than that not much is going on... we had to give up our pup because he barked and barked all day I guess and someone complained three times and so it was the dog or get evicted from the apartment, which we couldn't have happen because we only had like a month and a half left and at that time we were trying to get a loan to buy a house so we couldn't have that bad mark...
We found a nice little house, and thought we had the loan stuff all settled and were all ready to sign on the house on the 15Th, and they weren't ready... so then we were "ready" to sign on the 20Th... and again something wasn't ready yet.... so then "most certainly" the 22... ohhh but no then it was well we aren't really sure when we will be ready with all the documents to sign on the house we are having some verification issues with the underwriter... so we still haven't signed on the house and now we are going to have to put all our stuff in storage if they haven't gotten it all sorted out by Wednesday as we are supposed to be out of our apartment by Thursday!! What a pain!
Anyways... needed to vent! We acquired two cats just recently... Ben loves them, John isn't so keen on them... he said he wanted to get another dog latter when we got a house, but I don't really want another dog because they are sooo much work and no one helps me... these cats, named MO and ISIE; were going to be taken to the pound... so I decided to save them, they are less than a year old but they are both fixed/spayed and have had their shots and declawed.... so I couldn't help myself I had to take them... But I think the fact that they are sooo self sufficient is making John like them a bit more... they don't have to be walked or fed really(they have an automatic feeder) and their litter box I clean... so he doesn't have to do anything except play with them sometimes... their favorite thing is this stupid laser light they will chase it around the carpet for the longest time!! LOL
So anyways I suppose I should get to work! I will make another post when and if where get the house! So everyone cross your fingers for us!!
Love to everyone!