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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ben the Super Star

Okay so Ben had his last soccer game on the 21st of May... he did awsome!! Way better than I thought he would, and he really loved soccer!! I made a new slide show of his last game, so check it out!!
He finished kindergarten! Did wonderful this year, had a few bumps, but over all he got a great reportcard and is ready for first grade after the summer!
All the kindergartners put on this little show for the parents to celebrate learning, it was really cute! They sang several songs that talked about what they learned and recited a poem that said something along the lines of first grade here I come... it was too cute!
On Friday the 22 of May I drove Ben to Ohio to meet my dad who he will be staying with this summer at my dads home in Maine. We meet in Ohio because it was the half way point... still it was a 14 hour drive!!
For my birthday (saturday 23) we took a stroll along Eerie lake shore, ben splashed a bit in the water and we skipped rocks and picked up shells... it was very relaxing thing to do after driving for almost a whole day!
Then my dad and Deb took us (Ben, John and I) out to dinner at Redlobster...
Then sunday we parted ways and my Dad n Deb drove away with Ben headed towrd Maine... uuuggg heart breaking!!!
So now I'm missing him like crazy even though he has only been gone for a bit more than a week... but I talk to him everyday, and he sounds like he is just having sooo much fun! His cousins are there, (Wes's kids) and Maine with it's forests and great nature is a great place for a kid to spend the summer. My dad has a pool too, so that in Bens' eyes is a perk!
Not sure when he will be home, I think my parents are bringing him home sometime in July.... not sure if I can make it till then without my bean!!
My evenings after work are very quiet, almost too quiet! But I'm glade that Ben is having fun and is able to have this experience, and also I think it's important for his relationship with my Dad, as he does live far away and hasn't had much oppertunity to see Ben...
The things we put ourselves through for our kids!!
Well love you all... probably wont have anything interesting to post till the Bean gets back...
Oh but one side note... We found another house, since the loan fell though on the fist house and we didn't get it... It is a nicer house, bigger and cheaper... but we had to get a different kind of loan and now have to come up with 3500 dollars by June 26th... that is when we are supposed to close... so hopefully if we have the money we will be in our new house when Ben gets home!!
When and if we get the house I will post pictures!