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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sleep Over

Okay so Ben had a blast at his sleep over!!! We started off by INSANELY taking the three boys to wally world to get snacks... so we loaded the cart up with all sorts of goodies from chips to candy and juice... and of coarse some mommy snacks like pop and tail mix... And with those three deviants I'm sure what could have probably been a 10 minute trip in and out turned in to a rather long trip into the store... but that's okay, they even thought that was fun...lol
Then we got back to my apartment and the fun began... or more like the bickering, because even though they are best of friends they are little boys and they treat each other just like brothers I swear! He has more toys than me or he took the one I want or I gave him a piece of my candy but he didn't give me a piece of his... good grief... well Jules and I pretty much just let them duke it out in Benny's room as long as there weren't any blood curdling screams or gushing blood we saw no reason to be jumping up and down to monitor them!!
We had pizza for dinner and they had an array of junk food!! Ben said that the best part was that I let him eat all sorts of junk and at bed time I didn't even make him wash his face or even brush his teeth... lol the things that they think are special!!
They were watching tv in Bens room but then moved out to the living room and took over the TV out there to watch a movie on demand out there, one called Fly me to the moon... kind of a cute movie for a movie full of maggots... Eric and Alex went out like lights, Ben was a trooper and was the last to fall asleep at about 11.15... then it was bed time for us girls too!!
Julie and I had a good night too, we managed to do mini facials and our nails, we chatted a lot and even got through the movie Maid of Honor semi uninterrupted!! And in the morning we got through through the movie Over her Dead Body... both really cute chickie flicks!
So it was a good sleep over, and Ben had a blast! Unfortunately Sunday morning he started to come down with a cold and now he is out of commission. Sunday evening he had a fever and then Monday he was barking like a seal... so he had to miss school... much to his dismay... yeah right... hopefully he will be back to school tomorrow!
Well that is it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! I want to be there doing my nails with you. (sniffle) But it sounds like you all had a blast and you go girl! I still have yet to brave the sleep over saga with Bug. It frightens me actually. I just see a bunch of wailing, dramatic, girly whining. OMG... I'm having flashbacks to high school.

    Love and miss you two. Hugs.
